Thursday, October 20, 2005

What is a true artist??

What does it take to be a true artist?
I think a successful artist, is first of all honest with himself, and then courageous to show their uniqueness.
For me, the most direct, the most challenging art form is acting. I have studied Stanislauvsky, Meisner and Viewpoints methods. I started with studying Stanislauvsky in college. It was very intense and I was very shy. I did not know anyone my first semester of college- and I was one of the leads in the University production of "The Learned Ladies" by Moliere. I played Henriette, the ingenue. The style of acting that was "enforced" was intense and real. Public solitude, objectives- all of that. I learned SO much about myself- the deeper aspects of myself and how I wanted to be that deeper, more authentic self in my daily life. I discovered how I really think, what I really feel. It was an amazing learning experience for me and continues to be.
To be relaxed and receptive, letting whatever happens - to happen organically, and to be relaxed enough to let it happen...
This "being present", relaxed, truly being, reacting and acting in a role is a skill that takes years and years of consistent practice and effort before this craft can be mastered. Meisner said that you have to "give yourself up".
Focusing everything in you on that other person on stage, or on your own thoughts- thinking, mulling over what you want in this scene and letting this be the reason of why you say what you say, do what you do- what an all-encompassing craft, that teaches you honesty with yourself in a very powerful way!

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